All European languages follow the CEFR, Common European Framework of References for languages. The CEFR organizes language proficiency in six levels, A1 to C2. Currently we offer each level from A1 to B2. If you are looking for a higher level, please write to us with your specific requirements.

We recommend A1 if you are just exploring the language.

We recommend a B2 or C1 if you are looking to teach or secure a job in which the language will be your primary mode of communication.

This course includes:

A1 - B2
4 Levels

Course duration

Course Material
Study pack
Access to Online Resources
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2. Proven experience
3. Join a community of IFLAC learners
4. Well- Equipped Classes
5. Our innovative virtual learning platform
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Oral Communcations
- using familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases
- describing work and school
- asking for and giving opinions
- asking about the day, time and the date and telling time
- describing schedules and routines
- talking about activities in the free time, sports and hobbies
- discussing preferences and likes
- making comparisons
- buying and selling things
- making excuses
- being able to talk about family
- talking about past events, past experiences
- describing the neighborhood
- describing people’s appearance,
- describing hometowns, cities & countries and talking about the climate
- ordering a meal
- talking about plans in the future
- writing a postcard and an invitation
- filling in a form
- the alphabet and pronunciation
- articles – definite and indefinite
- subject and object pronouns
- statements (affirmative and negative) and questions
- w-questions
- h-questions
- yes/no questions
- time expressions
- possessives and demonstratives
- comparisons (comparative adjectives) and simple superlatives (best)
- verbs in the simple present tense
- verbs in the past simple tense
- verbs in the simple future tense
- verbs in the present perfect tense
- there is/there are
- modal verbs
- verbs + infinitive
- simple adverbs and adjectives
- prepositions of place
- conjunctions (and, but, if…)
Socio-Cultural Aspects
- introducing oneself and others and ask and answer simple questions about personal details
- using polite forms of greetings and farewells
- apologising
- differentiating between I want and I would like
Oral Communcations
- talking about oneself, ones’ educational background, ones’ job, ones’ family, ones’ neighbourhood
- talk about hobbies and daily activities
- asking for goods in a shop where goods are displayed
- ordering a meal in a restaurant and appreciating food
- reading and writing recipes
- booking a hotel room
- asking for basic services in a post office or bank
- indicating the nature of a medical problem
- making inquiries about a journey and reservations at a travel agency
- asking for the way and giving directions
- reading notices, posters, catalogues, timetables, brochures, menus, advertisements, signs
- writing notes and simple messages
- describing events and daily activities
- complex subject and object pronouns
- complex statements
- time expressions(for, since…)
- comparatives and superlatives
- verbs in the past simple tense
- verbs in the past perfect tense
- verbs in the imperative mood
- modal verbs for necessity, requests and suggestions
- complex adverbs and adjectives, adverbs before adjectives
- prepositions
- can, could, should, may…
- reporting speech (with tell and ask)
- if conditionals
- gerunds
- imperative
Socio-Cultural Aspects
- Listening to a radio talk-show
- Watching a TV Game-show
- Leaving telephone messages
- Writing an article for the magazine
- Writing a review for a restaurant
- Cellphone and telephone numbers, etiquette and manners
- Describing and writing about carnivals, monuments, countries and cities
- Talking about changes in the world
Oral Communcations
- understanding the main points of texts, conversations and input of standard topics
- dealing with situations likely to arise whilst travelling
- describing experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions
- giving reasons, opinions, justifications and explanations
- reacting to opinions
- giving advice
- describing movies, books and art
- expressing regret
- making predictions
- expressing the future in the past
- asking for permissions
- verbs in the conditional tense
- verbs in the present perfect continuous tense
- simple past vs. past perfect
- past continuous vs. simple past
- simple present vs. present progressive
- verbs in the subjunctive mood
- modal verbs in the past
- clauses with because
- passive voice
- unreal if conditionals
- can, could, should, may…
- reporting speech requests, statements, invitations and excuses
- two or more adjectives
- two adverbs (quite well, really fast…)
- if I were…
- ‘do’ for emphasis
- contractions (won’t, wouldn’t…)
- complex prepositions
Socio-Cultural Aspects
- understanding interviews of famous people
- reading interpersonal interviews and news reports
- reading autobiographies
- presenting research papers
- presenting a speech
- conducting a debate
- understanding jokes and humour
- watching simple Ted talks
- etiquette followed by the Royal Family
Oral Communcations
- understanding the main ideas of texts, conversations and input of concrete and abstract topics; sometimes technical and specialised
- expressing their own viewpoints and sharing advantages and disadvantages
- dealing with a wide range of situations and domains
- reacting to and reviewing magazines, internet articles, biographies, fictional excerpts and online newspapers
- developing informal and formal content in the form of letters, articles, etc.,
- discussing controversies, crimes and issues
- talking about habits in the present compared to the past
- verb system in the English language
- verb forms in the future
- verbs in the future perfect tense
- simple and continuous aspects
- narrative verb forms
- uses of auxiliaries
- uses of modal verbs (in the perfect tense)
- prepositional verbs
- suffixes
- state verbs
- phrasal verbs
- reflexive pronouns
- clauses (defining, non-defining and reduced relative clauses)
- second and third conditionals
- passive voice
- compound nouns and adjectives
- homonyms
- deductions and conclusions
Socio-Cultural Aspects
- understanding idioms
- understanding colloquial speech
- using business and domain specific collocations
- preparing for a detailed debate, speech or presentation
- differentiating between formal, informal and semi-formal forms of speech and writing