The IFLAC Japanese courses align with the objectives of the JLPT examinations. The Japanese Language Proficiency Test has five levels: JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1. Currently we offer only three levels: N5, N4 and N3. If you are looking for a higher level, please write to us with your specific requirements.
We recommend N5 if you are just exploring the language.
We recommend a N3 as a minimum if you are looking to teach or secure a job in which the language will be your primary mode of communication.
This course includes:
N5 - N3
3 Levels
Course duration
Course Material
Study pack
Access to Online Resources
Why Japanese?
1.Opportunities for International Understanding
The India-Japan relationship has developed significantly, and the number of Japanese businesses operating in India has increased. This has created a growing demand for Japanese language skills. Japan is the third-largest economy (by GDP) and is home to some of the most innovative companies on the planet. Moreover, the Pacific Rim and Asia continue to increase their global importance. Fluency in Japanese will allow you to improve communication and gain a deeper understanding of Japan as a nation and culture.
2. Gain Access to Advanced Technology
If you work in the technology field, especially robotics, learning Japanese is a plus. You will be able to understand and access information on Japanese cutting-edge technology much faster. In addition to the robotic tools that help the manufacturing and other labour-intensive industries, Japan has created various robots, including animals and humanoids for various applications. This knowledge will keep you ahead of the curve, especially if you speak the native language, allowing you to engage and interact with natives directly.
3. Opportunities to teach in Japan
By having some basic knowledge and proficiency in the language, you can consider options that allow you to teach English at Japanese high schools or local government organisations. The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program invites applications from foreign students to stay and teach in Japan for one full year. This does require students to pass their review and meet various criteria, including a beginner to intermediate level proficiency in the language.
4. Take on a Challenge
Japanese has three distinct writing systems – all of which are used in daily life. With a complex grammar system and virtually no linguistic related languages, it is considered one of the most challenging languages to learn. If you’re someone who enjoys a challenge or would like to explore new ways of thinking, Japanese is the language for you.
5. Experience a whole new culture and history
Learning an Asian language opens up your perspective to a whole new culture and entertainment realm. Many Asian cultures have also been around for a long time, so learning their language gives us more access and fresh perspective to their histories and traditions that existed parallel to South Asia.
To know the fee for this course, Contact us for details.
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- One is able to read and understand typical expressions and sentences written in hiragana, katakana, and basic kanji.
- One is able to listen and comprehend conversations about topics regularly encountered in daily life and classroom situations, and is able to pick up necessary information from short conversations spoken slowly.
- One is able to read and understand passages on familiar daily topics written in basic vocabulary and kanji.
- One is able to listen and comprehend conversations encountered in daily life and generally follow their contents, provided that they are spoken slowly.
- One is able to read and understand written materials with specific contents concerning everyday topics.
- One is also able to grasp summary information such as newspaper headlines.
- In addition, one is also able to read slightly difficult writings encountered in everyday situations and understand the main points of the content if some alternative phrases are available to aid one’s understanding.
- One is able to listen and comprehend coherent conversations in everyday situations, spoken at near-natural speed, and is generally able to follow their contents as well as grasp the relationships among the people involved.
* This is as per the latest guidelines offered by DigiJapanese.
Upcoming classes in the month of January
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